Don't let your sensitive nervous system overwhelm you.
You can learn to self-regulate and use your sensitivity to develop your intuition and trust yourself. Our therapeutic yoga membership will help you tap into your inner strength and develop joy, energy, and ease in your life.
Let the Compassion Club help you fall back in love with your life!
Our therapeutic yoga membership is specifically designed for highly sensitive people, offering a safe and supportive space to relax, refocus, and recharge.
You'll find accountability, support, and connection in the Compassion Club. The yoga, meditation, and breathing will help you feel more grounded in your body. By honoring the relationship with yourself, you'll deepen all of your relationships.
I’ve been told by members that I should make it crystal clear what we do inside the Compassion Club:
We do yoga. We don’t just do poses though.
“If it wasn’t for the online format, I wouldn’t have gotten to know everyone and taken the time to learn the other things that yoga is about. I really appreciate the reflections and introspection.”
-Portia F., Parent and Compassion Club member
Our therapeutic yoga practice will help you feel grounded in your body, and create healthier relationships.
Here's What You’re Getting Inside The Compassion Club:
Live online yoga and/or meditation classes on most Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays at 11 am EST = 8-9 live classes per month!
Replays, and an organized on-demand video library with classes for emotional balance, breathing, compassion and more.
Optional Kajabi app so you can easily practice anywhere, anytime.
Personal access to Kate through email, by appointment, and/or Q & A after class.*
The Compassion Community. Forge connections with other members in a private, intimate, and nourishing space away from social media.
My favorite thing about the Compassion Club is how members care for each other. One week a member will be struggling, and the next week they are sharing their strength with someone who needs it. You’re going to get to know these awesome people if you decide to join us.
Here’s a little walkthrough of the site where I answer a few questions:
Compassion Club Q & A - Watch Video
If you prefer to read rather than watch:
FAQ 1: How many videos are included in the on-demand video library?
There are over 50 right now, and I'm adding to them all the time. Every month I'll be adding more videos, and I respond to member requests. The important thing is they are organized, edited, and easy to access on any device, and even an app!
FAQ 2: What happens when you get sick, or are unable to lead one of the scheduled classes? Do you offer makeup classes?
Well, that is a tough one because I realized that has never happened. I always show up. I mean, I'm teaching from home. And since I set the schedule, I set it around school breaks and vacations and things like that. When I am on vacation, there is a wonderful yoga teacher named Suzan who is in the Compassion Club. She will be filling in for the meditation on February 27th. And I'm sure she would jump in if I ever did get so sick that I couldn't teach. Generally I'm happy to show up with you guys no matter what. It isn’t draining, since I’m not performing, I’m being myself. Also, there is just so much yoga I don’t think you will feel deprived. The main concern from members is usually that there's too much and it's overwhelming. But if you wanted a makeup, I would do it!
FAQ 3: Do you offer refunds?
No. You get your first week of the Compassion Club free when you join, and then it will charge you for the first month, and then it rolls over every month. You can cancel any time you want. You can cancel before that first week is up, and then you won't pay anything. You can cancel after your first month, or whatever. But refunds have never been given (and never requested) for the monthly membership.
I love your questions!! There are lots more Q & As on the sales page.
I also want to point out: You’re getting customized, therapeutic yoga. That means the practices address your specific requests. You’re not just exercising to a predetermined sequence. Although I have a plan, I adapt it to create the tailored experience you need that day… and the self-regulation skills you learn will carry over into your life:
"This work is so grounded in the body and breath that the effects have been profound from the first session.”
-Lisa W., Parent and Compassion Club member
Plus: You’re going to LOVE our caring, cozy community!
Join the Compassion Club today! Our therapeutic yoga classes will help you tune into your nervous system, get grounded in your body, and fall back in love with your life. Hope this helps you decide to join us. If you have any more Qs, send them my way, because the membership will be open for a short time. After that, get on the waitlist and I promise you'll be the first to know when we're ready to welcome you.
Stop Walking On Eggshells!
Gentle yoga to release your stress and shift your mindset about struggle.
If you get your buttons pushed often by other people's issues, you may be hypervigilant. You might feel it in your body as clenching, tension, or chronic pain.
You'll become more grounded in awareness of your body.