How can yoga support your emotional regulation?


Welcome to The Compassion Club with Kate Lynch

The live online yoga membership for empaths and highly sensitive people...

It's a soft landing where you can breathe, move, and heal in community. 

This is not your average yoga membership. Each session is a personalized experience: judgment-free and tailored to your needs. The neurodiversity-affirming, trauma-informed practices honor your specific requests.

I'm here for you.

"Joining the Compassion Club has been the medicine I needed. Kate is a gentle and thoughtful guide and helped bring ease, comfort, and mindfulness into my week.”
-Lisa B.

“Thank you for today's yoga session. So many aspects of it were good for me, from the balances to ‘May we be held in loving kindness; may we be filled with loving kindness.’ The long rest and community visualization, too - I feel blessed!"

-Jess B.

"The classes are friendly, fun, and always include something that I need. I value the opportunity to practice and connect three times a week, and freedom to skip when I have other priorities."

-Susanne J.

“It was EXACTLY what my body needed! I love all of the options that you give us. They help me be less rigid with myself. And for me, that is HUGE. These practices are a really great way to remember to be gentler with myself. My body feels soooooo good.”

-Ginger T.

You want to fill your cup so you have more ease and joy to share with your loved ones.


But instead of taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically...

  • You’re shouldering the weight of everyone else’s needs.  

  • Your body hurts and your energy is depleted.

  • You know you’re headed for burnout, but you can’t seem to motivate yourself.

It’s always the most caring people who put themselves last. I want to change that, because we're the ones who will create a more empathetic world. 

I’d like you to join me in The Compassion Club. The membership is founded on my core values: empathy, integrity, equity, and respect. Each class is an intimate, personalized experience inspired by each of your needs. We get to know each other and support each other.


I know what you REALLY want to do is…

have fun

getting stronger
and calmer,


with your quiet inner wisdom,

feel safe

as you stretch your
body and mind,

...and never feel alone in your struggles.


  • You’re too busy.
  •  You’re too worried.
  •  You’re too tired. 
  •  There’s always one more task to do for someone else.

And that's got you thinking that it's easier to just keep putting off your own wellbeing until...




I have to be honest with you:

Your to-do list will never be done.

Willpower will not suddenly start motivating you to 'go it alone'.

That pain in your neck is only gonna get worse.

The people you love will always have needs.

AND you have to take care of your physical and mental health NOW.
(If not for yourself, do it for them.)

If you'd like support with:

  1. the joint pain that comes with carrying extra tension in your body,

  2. the hypervigilance that happens when you want to fix everything everywhere all at once, and 

  3. the exhaustion caused by being in a state of overwhelm, tipping towards burnout...

...then you are in the right place!





"I know if I can just drag myself there, it will be gentle, and I will feel better." 

Just drag yourself to class, especially when you feel like crap. Especially when you got 3 hours of sleep. Yes, the kids and pets might climb on you. Yes, things might be messy. It's okay. 

  • It really is judgment-free.

  • You really will feel better. 

  • And the commute is easy!



When you join The Compassion Club, you'll have the tools, gentle accountability, and consistency you need to care for yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

In our live online sessions, I tune in to the needs of each member, and lead a class tailored to those needs. 

HOW do I do that? How do you do what you're best at? With experience, presence, and intuition. Also, I listen to you.

Amy W.

Compassion Club member and therapist

"Before joining The Compassion Club, I was filled with 'shoulds.' I should do yoga, I should meditate, I should prioritize my self-care.  But it was one more thing on a long list of 'to dos,' that consistently got pushed to the bottom of the priority list. The Compassion Club makes prioritizing myself so.much.easier. Thank you, Kate!"

Mark L.

Compassion Club member and parent

“Good savasana Saturday. I felt better all weekend.”

Meghan W.

Compassion Club member and parent of neurodiverse twins

"I work from home, I'm a single parent, and I have a lot on my plate. The Compassion Club helps me refill my cup. Moving my body always makes things better for me. I've realized that I have anxiety. The tools that you give us, whether it's through breath or movement or mindset, help me deal with that on a day-to-day basis."

Q & A with Meghan, a founding member of the Compassion Club:


Hi, I’m Kate Lynch!

I'm a mindful yoga teacher who helps highly sensitive, empathetic people take themselves off the back burner to make space in their lives for self-care.

Since 2002, I’ve supported thousands of yoga students internationally. My little neurodiverse family lives in a magical land called Brooklyn.

I founded The Compassion Club to give you a soft landing where you can move and heal in community.

It's a welcoming online space to breathe and open up to connection. 

We're a judgment-free yoga community. 

  • Consistent, gentle, and personalized yoga & meditation

    -Your body will be happier! You will move gently with lots of variations. 
    -When you feel stress mounting, you will have tools to return to your center. 

  • Compassionate community

    -Connect with other members having a similar experience. We are real people showing up for each other, even when it's hard. Members often stay on after class to catch up and get to know each other better. Of course it is all optional. We're introverts too!






  1. Choose from 9 LIVE online gentle yoga & meditation classes monthly! 
    This is when classes are recorded, NYC time:
    -Saturdays 10:30-12 Connect, Flow, Meditate, Rest
    -Mondays 11-11:45 Meditate & Reflect
    -Wednesdays 11-11:30 Flow

  2. Replays: access for 2 weeks. 

  3. Bonus on-demand courses for sleep, boundaries, anxiety, compassion, and more!
  4. An app & a private podcast so you can easily practice anywhere, anytime. 

  5. Access to Kate for questions before or after class and via email. Members get discounted 1-1 sessions for private yoga and/or coaching.

  6. Compassion Community to socialize away from social media. 

"The classes are friendly, fun and always include something that I need. It is great to have the videos for when I can't join live...

"I value the opportunity to practice and connect 3 times a week, and freedom to skip when I have other priorities. I can watch the replay or not. There's never an expectation."

-Susanne J. 
Compassion Club member and yoga therapist

"Some of the things that I really like about the club are the consistency, the accountability, and I also really appreciate the community, which I didn't expect to happen online necessarily, but it does. I know I will get my money's worth because I know I'm gonna actually do it, and that's money well spent."

-Meghan W. 
Compassion Club member and parent of neurodiverse twins

“The zoom classes you offer are very special because you are so attentive to the needs and wants of your students. Your clear instructions encourage a meditative state. Unlike a video, your zoom classes give me a sense of belonging. I’m grateful for the opportunity to chat briefly after the practice. It provides comfort.”

-Silvia G.
Therapist & yoga student

“Listening to the podcast, I could feel my nervous system shift. It's amazing what can be done in a few seconds. I know it's okay to just steep in it, like tea.”

-Michele V. 
Compassion Club member and coach

Lisa B.

Parent and Compassion Club member

“I was feeling isolated, overwhelmed, stuck, and burned out after years of hyper-vigilance and worry, trying to keep my family safe. There were so many layers of anxiety and trauma that I couldn’t see how to begin to let go, reset, and find my way back to an emotional neutral.

"Joining the Compassion Club has been the medicine I needed. Kate is a gentle and thoughtful guide and helped bring ease, comfort, and mindfulness into my week. This work is so grounded in the body and breath that the effects have been profound from the first session.”

Here are some of the amazing bonuses you'll discover inside The Compassion Club, many of which are exclusive to the membership:

Motion is Lotion: Life knocks us around, and that can hurt. This gentle yoga series helps sensitive people with sore joints to relieve stiffness and welcome tranquility. 

"I am not the most flexible human. I leave class feeling centered, connected, and rejuvenated."
-Frank L.

Polyvagal Pranayama & Yoga: Breathing and gentle yoga to tone your nervous system so you can relax. I'll demystify polyvagal theory. You'll learn evidence-based practices and apply them to your stressful life so you can feel calmer and more connected. 

Restorative Yoga Techniques for Better Sleep: Are you struggling to relax enough to get good sleep? How would it feel to wake up calm and energized instead of drained? This self-paced restorative yoga course will help you wind down from a stressful day before going to sleep. 

Clear & Present Yoga: Exclusive to The Compassion Club! This is a low-effort course designed to have a high impact on your life. Gentle yoga, meditation and journaling partners with the science of habit formation to empower you to define your self-care and your mission, and then follow through. 

Yoga to Soothe Anxiety: Exclusive to The Compassion Club! This series invites you to work with your vagus nerve to influence your anxiety through a "bottom up" rather than "top down" approach. You'll take away a simple practice to use as an anchor when waves of uncertainty crash over you

Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest: Exclusive to The Compassion Club! Grounding restorative yoga, self-inquiry, relaxation and breathing will support you to give your worries over to the earth. Digest your experiences and move them through your body and breath so that your mind begins to release.

Yoga Breathing for Emotional Balance: Exclusive to The Compassion Club! Bring breath awareness into your life during moments of distraction, tension or imbalance. With a focus on gut viscera and generating heat from within, you will move and breathe in novel, mindful ways.

Functional Movement: Exclusive to The Compassion Club! Work deeply and mindfully to integrate your breath with functional core strength. Staying connected with your breath, you'll strengthen your core, flow, balance and meditate to develop trust in your inner capacity. 

Beyond People Pleasing: 3 Keys to Thriving as an Empath. Stop struggling to say no, deferring your needs, and feeling resentful. This journaling and gentle yoga will give you courage as you go beyond people pleasing to thriving as an empath. You'll feel more purposeful, embodied, and empowered 

Compassion Flow Yoga: Is suffering holding you back from living peacefully? What if you could unlock space to breathe more fully? What if your heart found the courage to stay open, even though the world is a sh*tshow? You have so much to give to yourself, your relationships, and the world. Each class includes an embodied lovingkindness flow.

Denise R. 

Compassion Club member and parent to 3 neurodiverse boys

"I felt drawn to this group immediately. As you know it can be difficult to find one that has true yogic principles vs. fitness goals that is open, accepting, inclusive and supportive all at the same time. 

"I have greatly appreciated your recordings, since getting to class seems to be tricky lately."

Ready to create more harmony in your life and more energy to follow through on your intentions?

The Compassion Club is $85 per month.

This is the ONLY live online yoga membership for empaths and highly sensitive people who want personalized support, encouragement, and connection.
You'll regulate your nervous system through mindful movement, self-compassion, journaling, relaxation, and guided meditation. For as long as you're a member, you'll have the support, accountability, and consistency you need so that you can sustain meaningful self-care. 

Join the Waitlist

Please join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open to new members.

My Guarantee:

If the membership isn't right for you, I make it easy for you to cancel.

No, it won't hurt my feelings.

But I'll miss you!

Questions I Get Asked About the Compassion Club:

I'm ready to join!

“I really appreciate your welcoming manner and teaching style, and have enjoyed listening to the podcast and participating in the video lessons. Thank you for all that you do for The Compassion Club!”

-Meredith B. 
Compassion Club member 

“I have been working with Kate for years. She is versed in her craft and has a way of making participants feel comfortable... I was so resistant to virtual yoga, and I'm so glad I was able to get over that because it's just so enjoyable.”

-Donna H.
Parent and therapist

“I felt seen and heard by Kate as she guided us. I have done other zoom classes and they felt more or less like on-demand videos. I went very deep with processing some of my emotions. The compassion meditations helped me feel less angry and anxious.

-Corrina M.
Parent and prenatal yoga student

“The whole concept of loving myself escaped me for most of my life. I've done things for other people my entire life. My relationship with myself is way better than it has ever been. You've got to do this for yourself...

"This is a group of very thoughtful, caring people who are just trying to muddle through life. I usually have a hard time fitting routine into my life, but The Compassion Club is my lifeline.”

-Jules H.
Compassion Club member and Speech Language Pathologist 

Do this for yourself!